

Our trainings drive you and others forward.

HCFE is here to make continuing education easier, through accessible trainings covering topics like trauma-informed care, technology in behavioral health, Mental Health First Aid, and more.

Trainings to Promote Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Models, Assessment, and Practice

Trainings to Build Awareness and Reduce Stigma

Trainings for Peer Support Program Development and Implementation

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Trainings for Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention

Customized Training and Consultation Packages

Not finding the training you're looking for?

We aim to offer the most relevant and impactful training for mental health professionals, so if there is a specific training or consultation need/request that you have, please let us know!

Hathaway Center for Excellence is a Continuing Education vendor for the American Psychological Association (APA) and the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)